Supernatural/6th Sense?

Is there any other species?
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Elite Angler
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Supernatural/6th Sense?

Post by MK49 »

No show, but tell. This happens every once in a whole, but not very often. I just knew a bass was going to bite at the exact spot and the time. One time, I said to my friend "watch, when my popper goes to this little spot." Sure enough, I caught one. Never caught a bass in the exact spot before, but I just knew it. The other time, I said to my friend "I caught a 7 pounder right there yesterday. It's about the same time now, and I'm going to catch another 7 pounder here." Sure, I caught a 7 pounder right there. It was a couple of ounces less than the day before, but I'm guessing it was the same fish. Another time, I started teaching bass fishing to my co-worker. I said to him "watch, I'm going to catch a fish now." It was the first cast in the morning, and I knew I was going to get a bite.

Is it some kind of supernatural thing, or just based on experience? Usually, I don't say something like above examples, even when I think I'd get a bite, but when I say it, over 95% of the time, it happens.

Oh, BTW, all of those happened with topwater baits, so my friend could see what I was talking about. They were surprised. :D
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