Scottish salmon

Discussions focused on the pursuit of freshwater species
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Newbie Angler
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Joined: Sat May 02, 2020 8:38 am
Location: Scotland

Scottish salmon

Post by Jamess76 »

Good morning guys n girls ( at least it's early this side of the Atlantic :lol: ) Anyway fellas This is my first day on your forum so hello from the highlands of Scotland. Ive been catching Atlantic salmon for years on the river using the fly,but over the last few years I have been using the countdown rapala also the original floating ones. The best size is 7 cm and color blue and white. A few other colors work also like black and gold ,silver and gold as well.Only the correct size and color will make the Scottish salmon attack the rapala here and the favorite would be BLUE AND WHITE,white belly with a sky blue top,but my question for our cousins in the states are many guys say you shouldn't just cast and retrieve you must raise and lower the rod making the rapala more life like.A study showed that a rapala done on cast and retrieve had little impact and a rapala used with a jig ang rod movement was far more productive.All fishing is done from the riverbank and trout as well as salmon find the blue rapala irresistible and attack it firscely, so I'd like to here your experiences and tips if possible so get back to me please if you can. I've also just joined YouTube and put on 3 very short videos of me catching nice trout on this blue rapala if any of the boys n girls are interested just look up jimmythefish.cart and if you want to subscribe or not then it's up to yourselves,but I'd really like to here your take on how to fish and use the rapala and best color on your side of the pond. Cheers guys......jimmy.
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