Chronarch 100B Failure

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Chronarch 100B Failure

Post by goldrod »

I dropped in a Core MG7 spool and had gotten the Antares drag star and got the antares handle ( Thanks
I was able to get the handle to work but the drag star will not work. At best you can use a D7 or E7 drag star
i've got some orange seals in it and will start to experiment with some crankbaits at a faster pace.
I eventually put an D7 handle on the 100b and used the antares handle on the D7 but I found that the nut from the antares will not work on the d7. I think its the thread size difference but the retainer will still work with the stock D7 nut.
I'm in the process of trying to hide the nut with some form of plastic inside

just thought someone else could benefit from this information
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