Kahen vs. Blue Emblem

Reels are the hottest topic for TackleTour. Everyone wants to know what the latest and greatest is and how they compare to the old guard. What's the best for light stuff, or what's your suggestion for heavy cover. Do we really need different retrieve ratios? It's all in here.
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Kahen vs. Blue Emblem

Post by goldrod » Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:46 pm

I’m convinced that the Kahen is king.
But they are so hard to get. I’ve got a BE in my TDZ and Steez limited but the Kahen in my other Steez limited is predictable effortless and second nature throughout the brake dial once I get it where I want. Are there any contenders? Serious contenders ?
I have a ZPI M spool in my IS79 and I’m ready to press pay but I can’t at the moment. But it’s top of my list
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