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Missile Baits Adds a Convenient Quiver to their Arsenal of Baits

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:19 pm
by Cal
Missile Baits Adds a Convenient Quiver to their Arsenal of Baits


Introduction: Bass anglers are constantly coming up with new, unique ways to present one of the most basic baits ever developed for this past time - the plastic worm. One of the latest trends is probably five to ten years old, but has caught fire of late evidenced by the number of new bait introductions by manufacturers to enhance the technique. See, that's the cycle; anglers develop a new way to fish something that's been around forever; trend catches on; manufacturers catch wind and tweak that something further to enhance the new way it's being fished; more anglers jump on the trend; anglers tweak further; and the cycle starts over again.

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