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The Versatile G-Flag 150 by Grow Design Works

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The Versatile G-Flag 150 by Grow Design Works

Post by Cal »

The Versatile G-Flag 150 by Grow Design Works


Introduction: Keeping up with the latest tackle trends can be exhausting. While most of the big manufacturers make their new product announcements at annual shows like ICAST, the Bassmaster Classic, and the Japan Tackle Shows, smaller companies do not necessarily adhere to these schedules and have their own regional events. This is especially true in the world of big baits. I totally missed the boat when the manufacturer of today's product released their first bait, the Flag 170 and 255, but then, by sheer luck I managed to monitor and eventually nab a bait on their release of the second. Here's a look at Grow Design Work's G-Flag 150.
Complete Article: https://tackletour.com/reviewgrowdesign ... ag150.html
Cal, Managing Editor
"fish with mindfulness : beware the darkside"
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